Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Plans To Build A Storage Bench

3 times 4 and 2 times T, as an encrypted message, I stood before my eyes. Several times I tried to look away, to move forward, but perhaps out of sheer "coincidence", the rush-hour traffic, preventing me to change direction and what had seemed a very long stretch, I was still in front the symbol 444TT on a cheap twingo grass green, which is beyond, I stubbornly positioned himself in front. Of course, coincidences! I pondered ... ecco che tutto questo poteva banalmente restare inavvertito, senza attribuirgli alcun valore, ma il flusso misterioso delle cose, ci porta a volte, a ribollire elementi del nostro piano sommerso che si riallacciano a qualcos'altro, assumendo una qualche forma, quasi sempre inaspettata. Il numero 4, la materia, simbolo il quadrato, T come Terra. Più tardi, quella stessa sera, rincasai e dopo cena riguardai un bel filmone dove ancora "casualmente"!?mi colpì il particolare di un orso, un grizzly che metaforicamente si lega alla vicenda di uno dei protagonisti principali del film, il più selvaggio. Il narratore, un pellerossa, sentenziò "quando la vita di un animale si incrocia con quella di un uomo, tra i due si crea un legame che lasts forever. "The star had absorbed within himself, a part, as a bear, the most wild, untamed, that would not allow it. The matter, the land ... for the bear shaman is a of a bond with the land. Meditation on bear develops contact with the ground upon which the stability of their psyche and their actions. All this where I wanted to lead? "Let it be, I told myself, let flow and see what happens, if it happens ... maybe I was not, in recent days, looking for a bit of inspiration for the preparation of a new laboratory REV I'm working on the 1 st chakra? "I thought, here is served! I let it operate automatically Free trial flow, without interfering, and began to emerge feeling well due to the root chakra, and in particular on one of its key themes: the elemental force, primordial, instinctive. I tried to connect to this particular quality of the force, and to hear more in depth, using it to me easier, dance, drum at a rate of archaic, distant, while deep, deeper and deeper. I felt a strength within me that I seemed to be able to move a mountain. I was able to mobilize immediately in case of need, in the event that you attacked or unfold it for a longer time. I felt an enormous sense of endurance and strength to be able to build something. Then the situation is reversed, and what I felt was a block of my energy that deprived me of all the forces, leaving me lifeless. I thought about all the times that I felt weak against the other but "gentle" and I felt the horripilation can remain so for life. "This block energy makes me tired, unhappy, I thought," but it boils inside me and one day, I could explode violently, if it is frustration, I now know how far you can push his devastating rampage. " Now I understand what happens in those shows its strength, pushing the other against the wall, invading their space. Their world view is based on the principle: "Annihilate if you do not want to be annihilated." Eating for not being mangiati, lo sa bene lo spietato uomo d'affari che il mondo è pieno di squali. Lo sa bene l'uomo moderno, dal momento che la sua forza elementare è separata dall'amore, ha fatto uso di questa forza nel suo mondo per legittimare e raggiungere i suoi scopi. Un conquistare che travolge, nel peggiore dei casi annienta. L'uomo che ragiona asserendo che il suo posto è quello dell'altro e glielo sottrae. Ciò che egli può prendere con la forza, lo strappa ai più deboli, perchè con lui vige la legge del più "forte". Vivere a scapito degli altri, nutrirsi del loro sangue e del loro sudore. La forza elementare del 1° chakra, se non è in equilibrio, nutrita dall'amore, può solo degenerare in violenza cieca e primitiva.
"Dedicated to all the" invisible "to all victims of social exclusion and violence,
- a dignity to rebuild
- a place to conquer
- the right to exist by state
- an "I" to claim "

marginalization and violence are a problem for everyone.


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