Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Naphthalene Purification Gray

Close Encounters of all kinds

One of the worst consequences of these bad times, deeply imbued with arrogance, greed and rampant racism vulgar - in a few words of general dullness - is to reduce us all to this extent, making us indifferent not receptive and no sense humor. Grey.
I teach in a suburb that is not and has not yet Turin province, a village in which it is entered without realizing it, a meter before it is even in the capital, after a meter was in another town. As always, the area is a place of transit where people live a bit 'of years, before settling in the city or leave finally, the last decade, then, the town became a border between "foreignness" and citizenship, where many families come to non-Italian origin, as the more fortunate citizens, many more waiting ... How
happens in many places near the big cities, this village is missing features, resources and above all hope. The crisis and the consequent difficulties push people to close more and more in an effort to solve problems for themselves that should be addressed politically and with adequate resources, left to themselves, however, becoming increasingly less common and a group of dispersed of refugee work, welfare and culture. And, more than ever, they fear their fears do not have a precise face, petty crime, loss of identity and the difficulty of communicating with others who live alongside them are some of the faces ... probably their fear larger and more understandable is to be abandoned, being left behind while the rest of the country, the world keeps moving, walking, even with the strains of the ankles, towards a better fate.
teaching breathing this atmosphere, but I did not resign, it still has some hope, because to teach must first communicate: exchange words, ideas, moods, emotions, memories. And even as I write, in the back of my mind as a teacher of mathematics are still capable, at least occasionally, to launch a curious and amused look through the eyes impatiently, anxious, and often frankly angry prof. I see and talk with people of all types, our worlds touch, sometimes I feel (feel, I hope) rewarding feeling of sharing , I cling to these moments when my work seems repetitive and mostly useless, when I speak I speak and I can not understand me, even (or perhaps especially) those who speak Italian like me.
Beyond that I have to assign grades, dei bilanci didattici più o meno positivi, sono questi "incontri ravvicinati di tutti i tipi" a rasserenarmi o a darmi una fitta di angoscia, non posso semplicemente cancellarli a fine giornata. Condividere i più significativi – quelli che possono dire qualcosa anche a chi non insegna – potrebbe farmi sentire meno "grigia".


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