Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pmu Foals Fpr Sale 2010

Chakra Energy Laboratory

On 21 June last year (summer solstice), I held an intensive workshop in Carbonia, entitled Energy of the Chakras. It was an unforgettable experience, in which I was fortunate to share with a fabulous group of people, moments of intense exchange of evolution, of which Serbia still a warm and grateful memory. I feel that that experience can still be shared with many other people, and that's why I included this work into the program evolutionary routes, and in fact, is the first step to take inspiration from which to begin the journey of discovery in itself themselves. This is a work of perception and identification of seven major energy centers of the body (specifically because it speaks of many other extracorporeal chakra), and any disharmony that might affect them. The study-specific integrated techniques on which the REV, it would be useful for further research chakras and our grasp, in particular, the emotional quality to each of them connected, to give shape to the deep meaning that this will suggest. The goal is always the reintegration of our authentic self, feel more, more energy to flow in those areas that appear as "death" and dissolve energy blocks, transforming the disturbing emotions, and move forward in our evolutionary journey fascinating, each with its own times, his way, his breath, his interpersonal skills.
When: February 20, 2010 from 16:00 to 19:00. Registration is open until February 16
Where: Studio at BIOM V. Alziator, Cagliari 23
Info: 3476766889 or send an email to spiritorev@gmail.com


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