Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cover Letter Without Experience

2. When I read it?

  • Titolo Scacco al tempo
  • Autore Fritz Leiber
  • Editore Mondadori Urania, con la copertina di Karel Thole
  • Trama Carr MacKay, impiegato trentenne poco ambizioso and routine but highly ambitious and beautiful girlfriend, tries to ignore the sense of futility and irrelevance to everyday life, more and more the impression of not knowing their own part in the play and that people who attended, including his girlfriend, not recite as conscious actors but as automatons. One day he meets a girl who, just as happened to him, he is awakened in a blind world that idles like an old carousel. Together discover that it is not the only "wake up" others like them, but more cynical and ruthless, wandering in a group for the city, playing with the destinies of human immemorial.
  • Emotions I read in my adult home, shared with mate who is now my husband I had just worked for free and full professors at the university. the philosophical theme, the night scenery, the cliffs of concrete faced a sea of \u200b\u200bcars, the interior full of shadows gothic feel, immediately recognizable and familiar, of emptiness and loneliness are intermingled with other readings of those days: The disqualified (Osamu Dazai) The beast in the jungle (Henry James), There's something rotten in Vernon Street (David Goodis).
  • Then I listened to the Depesche mode ( Black Celebration), Peter Gabriel (Sledgehammer ), Queen (Who wants to live forever ), Dave Stewart e Annie Lennox ( When tomorrow comes ). I Clash e i Weather Report si stavano sciogliendo.
  • Era il 1986 del secondo governo Craxi. Chernobyl ci era appena piovuto addosso e andare al supermercato significava leggere sulle etichette la provenienza di latte e verdura.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Free Practice Cogat Test

from author to author

Negli ultimi anni mi è capitato diverse volte di presentare un libro dialogando insieme all'autore/autrice del testo. Farlo mi dà sempre soddisfazione, sia perché mi spinge to (re) read a work that I liked and the reasons why other potential readers, both because it gives me the opportunity to empathize with those who have written to ask my questions directly from readers. In the best presentations, then you create a good relationship with two open to the public and all together you join the company to understand and communicate.
With Consolata Lanza dialogue on writing hard by several of his books and I hope to continue for many more.

But the day before yesterday (February 18, 2010 17:30 Exhibition of Ancient Slaughterhouse Po Via Matteo Pescatore 7) meeting "author presents author," I debuted in the role for me unpublished author. In turn, Consolata e io abbiamo presentato ognuna il romanzo dell'altra: io il suo Lei coltiva fiori bianchi e lei il mio Sarà ieri .
Inutile dire che nel ruolo di presentatrice mi sono divertita come sempre, e che parlare di Lei coltiva fiori bianchi , un romanzo che mi ha tenuto compagnia in momenti buoni e meno buoni di questi ultimi due anni, mi ha dato un rinnovato piacere. Parlare in pubblico di ciò che scrivo, invece, è stato… Be' davvero strano. Bello, e coinvolgente senza schermi, in un modo che ancora non mi era accaduto di provare.
È stata un'esperienza importante e grazie alla disponibilità di tutti l'ho vissuta nel migliori dei modi.

Così I'm here to thank:
- Consolation for the multiple readings that have enhanced my text, discovering several levels, and for helping me "see" them.
- The audience for listening to me in our dual role as writer-presenter.
- Laura Cavagnero to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe presentation to two and, together with the Women's House of Turin, for having organized the event with friendly hospitality.
- The harpist Daniela Vendemiati for music and chat.
- Claudia Manselli for reading and for the dialogue.
Citi-Morgan for reading aloud and for all those caring and sympathetic to the manuscript.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Walkthrough For Pokemon Shiny Gold

A Web of Words

Yesterday - Massimo Citi reading a speech devoted to new books (or LNN) which will be published in the next LibriNuovi 52 (a day in typography) - I thought about how our readings are firmly tied to a period of life, so that reread means returning to those times, try the same emotions, the smells and be heard yet again immersed in the lights of the time. Some novel reminds me of the sound of the brook in the rock garden of Valentino: I went there with my daughter a few months because she is surrounded by the gentle shower, invariably fell asleep in his stroller and I could read quietly, a hand held up the volume, 'other was committed to cradle slowly. Other titles I return the almost unbearable heat of the terrace of my house, the summer of my eighteen years (pretending to study for high school and in the meantime get a tan) ...
remember only important for me. But deep down is true ... and writers talk about books, does nothing but pull always dancing in their memories. So why not treat yourself to look at the past?
When I read it? could become a quick smash my blog and maybe, if I'll be brief and convincing, it could arouse the curiosity of someone else to read.

1. When I read it?

  • Title Willy the blind (in Hearts in Atlantis).
  • Author Stephen King
  • Published in Italy Sperling & Kupfer 2000. On the market.
  • Plot double life of a Vietnam veteran Bill wealthy husband and impeccable guest / Willy the veteran who lives on alms leveraging the guilty conscience of fellow countrymen, condemned to long hours of building and pretend blindness.
  • Emotions: I read it for LN, at home on the couch or walking around the city. I immediately loved, won by the will of atonement polished character. I envied King, I would have written it myself.
  • Then I listened
  • Radiohead (Kid A ) Capossela ( Lyrics crank ) Moby (Play ) Skunk Anansie (Post Orgasmic Chill ), REM ( Up ), Red Hot Chili Peppers (Californication ). E Ligabue ( Scruffs ), Chemical Brothers and baroque music.
  • There was still the old lira, Papi was - not for long - the opposition, in a few months Bush had won by fraud against Al Gore

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Malar Rash Not On Nose

The nut Liebig made history

are in arrears with a lot of things. A quick e-mail of my friend mi ha aperto gli occhi sul fatto che così non si fa. Non si usa il blog come bacheca occasionale, non si sparisce per mesi, non si rimandano all'infinito le occasioni di post che ci parevano promettenti.
Quindi cerco di portarmi in pari con le cose in sospeso. Questa è la prima e risale a tempi che qualunque blogger decente considera preistorici: ottobre scorso, figurarsi. Ma da qualche parte devo pur cominciare. Questo post era già bello pronto in bozze e fortunatamente l'argomento, proprio come i dadi da brodo, ha un periodo di scadenza molto lungo.
A ottobre, dunque, in un sabato mattina miracolosamente libero da impegni, ho partecipato a una delle iniziative organizzate da Libri e Culture , un'associazione cultural born by the will of independent booksellers, publishers, librarians and other 'workers of the book "Eight of the District of Turin.
It was a round table dedicated to "Food, yesterday, today and tomorrow", with the participation of historians and medievalists Paul Denicolai Gherner Hugh, and Eric Bruno Broveri Vassallo Slow Food Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta, the nutritionist White Bianchi and Luca Iaccarino Republic journalist as moderator. Venue the baronial hall of the medieval village of Turin, a welcoming and charming (pleasantly phony cme impeccably throughout the village but unlikely), illuminated by cutting a nice autumn sun and cold as certainly were dutifully the medieval hall.
Since I enjoyed hearing about the food - the constant presence of our existence, used, abused and often unfairly distributed - in a non-trivial, I will share with my readers the most interesting ideas, regretting that the public is interested, but alas too low.
below summarize the issues involved - without limitation and the limited competence of a curiosity that has read any other paper - trusting that the rapporteurs, if ever I read will excuse me for quoting their words in an approximate (but I hope not distorted).
Contributed by UGO GHERNER
Dates of salient storia dell'alimentazione umana
1) Paleolitico ---> la scoperta del fuoco
2) Mesolitico ---> la scoperta delle prime tecniche di conservazione del cibo
3) Neolitico ---> lo sviluppo dell'agricoltura e della domesticazione degli animali
4) XIV sec. ---> disponibilità su larga scala di risorse naturali e di animali da carne (con il calo demografico dovuto alle grandi epidemie di peste in Europa tornano disponibili vaste aree di incolto e pascolo prima destinate alla produzione cerealicola)
5) XVIII sec.---> rivoluzione industriale (e quindi anche nuove tecnologie di produzione e conservazione)
6) XIX sec. ---> scoperta delle tecniche della refrigerazione.
7) ultima part of the twentieth century. ---> Food globalization (my addition)
To this was added - in the seventeenth century. - The imposition (in non-Mediterranean countries, especially) of crops of maize and potato by the political power of landowners and the exaltation of the consumption of corn will lead to pellagra, the monoculture of one or a few potato varieties cause, For example, in Ireland, famine due to the spread of blight and the Irish immigration in the United States.
Contributed by PAUL Denicolai
The comparison between the kitchen of the past and this shows how power is affected in complex ways by a number of factors: taste, political and economic conditions, culture, health beliefs, large differences in local entrepreneurial capacity of producers, etc...)
Some examples:
- England of past centuries was consumed lots of sugar imported from the colonies;
- subdued by the Moors in Al spread the habit of eating rice and eggplant; in nearby Catalonia (remained in the hands of the Christians), they food, abhorrent as belonging to the enemy, spread only after the expulsion of the Moors.
- In the Italian Middle Ages, the wealthy classes were fascinated by the exotic foods that, because of the rarity and high price, were regarded as a mark of status and a mark of respect the poorer classes. Today, however, it is mainly the more affluent and better educated classes to show appreciation for 'poor' and local authorities. Then as now, finally, was very interested in the presentation of the dishes and the contamination of flavors.
Contributed by Eric Vassallo
In the twentieth century there was a significant relationship between regimes and feeding.
autarkic regimes defend their food, are conservative, but also surprisingly attentive to the news: Fascist Italy, for example, spread the first elements of 'fast food', linked in particular to two brands: LIEBIG (nuts to make the broth in a hurry) and Bertolini (lievitazione veloce). In entrambi i casi il target è sempre la donna, la cuoca di ogni giorno. Anche lo scatolame e le conserve industriali sono ben precedenti agli anni Sessanta.
Il regime fascista, inoltre, fa molto per accreditare il riso come prodotto italiano.
Per quanto riguarda il passato europeo, invece, non bisogna dimenticare i cambiamenti apportati alle abitudini alimentari dalla presenza araba e dai prodotti dell'agricoltura precolombiana.
Contributo di BRUNO BOVERI
Nel dibattito globalizzazione-localismo, si è inserito da alcuni anni il tema dei «prodotti a chilometri zero».
Non si tratta soltanto di favorire il prodotto locale o di scegliere la qualità (Vegetables and seasonal vegetables matured in a natural way and not yet collected green etc.). The real problem is the cost: 1) the effects of consumption that provides the transport of food through half the world, 2) economic support from the community to remedy the environmental damage, and 3) economic represented on government support to farmers who can no longer sell their products on the local market.

Bianca Bianchini concluded by stressing the importance of a varied and focused on new proposals submitted by the confrontation of cultures and ethnicities.
topics worthy of reflection, as I said, but hanno scatenato le mie manie classificatorie da insegnante di scienze. Vediamo.
Considerando che sono caffè-dipendente, che in cucina che faccio un uso moderato di spezie esotiche, che il mio menù ideale è a base di pesce, riso, pomodori, melanzane (anche in un unico piatto, tipo una bella paella o un contaminatissimo nasi goreng), pane, vino (pochissimo) e derivati del latte (yogurt, formaggi freschi), che quando mangio da sola non disdegno la cucina veloce e che amo sconsideratamente le mele, come mi devo considerare? Filoaraba e snob-medievale? colonialista ma autarchica? tradizionalista ma amante delle contaminazioni? E soprattutto sarò a chilometri zero o ecodispendiosa? Mah.
Forse I should put more attention in the grocery store. But so, tired of waiting for me right now as I wander the aisles, finally lost my husband and daughter to the supermarket and rushing home to cook a good dinner for two.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pmu Foals Fpr Sale 2010

Chakra Energy Laboratory

On 21 June last year (summer solstice), I held an intensive workshop in Carbonia, entitled Energy of the Chakras. It was an unforgettable experience, in which I was fortunate to share with a fabulous group of people, moments of intense exchange of evolution, of which Serbia still a warm and grateful memory. I feel that that experience can still be shared with many other people, and that's why I included this work into the program evolutionary routes, and in fact, is the first step to take inspiration from which to begin the journey of discovery in itself themselves. This is a work of perception and identification of seven major energy centers of the body (specifically because it speaks of many other extracorporeal chakra), and any disharmony that might affect them. The study-specific integrated techniques on which the REV, it would be useful for further research chakras and our grasp, in particular, the emotional quality to each of them connected, to give shape to the deep meaning that this will suggest. The goal is always the reintegration of our authentic self, feel more, more energy to flow in those areas that appear as "death" and dissolve energy blocks, transforming the disturbing emotions, and move forward in our evolutionary journey fascinating, each with its own times, his way, his breath, his interpersonal skills.
When: February 20, 2010 from 16:00 to 19:00. Registration is open until February 16
Where: Studio at BIOM V. Alziator, Cagliari 23
Info: 3476766889 or send an email to

Temazepam Dangerous Dose

courses weekly from February

Star well with REV ... Banish stress and insecurity, dissolve the body, free your mind, return circulating energy ... with a full workout granting a mind to body, to give you back your perfect balance . Grassetto

fit almost everyone, young and old.

what it is:
a) Full Custom Training (individual)
b) Weekly classes (group)
Tuesday and Thursday (10:30 to 11:45 Morning /
Sera18.30-19:45 or 20:00 to 21:15)
Wednesday (Evening 19:00 - 20.15)

where: at Biome study Alziator V., 23 Cagliari
Book training is right for you! 3476766889