Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Bearded Dragon With Sore Eye

The Swedish weekend.

Although this blog seems to have been abandoned by everyone (including myself), continuous to write something, since it is my duty abroad, and finally I managed to get hold of some pictures showing the merry adventures of an Italian in Gothenburg. In a group of only Germanic (though two are in fact a Lebanese and a Tunisian transvestites) in recent weeks I against the beautiful nightlife goteborghese (or goteburghina? Gothenburg? Goteborgotta?), Relegating to the dark afternoons per week university work (which bears more resemblance to high school, judging by the amount of homework they give us. And now my reports, the new episode of Corio Bellavita!

First, the protagonists: Amin (Tunisia-born freiburghese for pleasure) while repressing his afro hair in a baseball cap, Felix (the cat), which after the first 4 beers begins to lose control of facial muscles, and by the look of Philipp Braga, told a friendly double-P (to distinguish it from Philip, single-P).

The evening in question took place between pleasant pub Andra Langgatan (via the whores of Gothenburg, as I say, even though I could see for themselves, as whores on the street do not n ' were, perhaps because if they catch you in Sweden to fornicate arrest you on the spot), where we consciously cute bartenders (the bald picture guide us, not without a bit of complacency as "persuades" the harassing customers to calm down, and how it affects the notches on the stick using the canines taken directly from their mandibles) but mostly drank beer, lots of beer. And you know, when the drunken advances are reckless reacts to external stimuli (see me in photophobia in the photo), or you start to not evaluate properly the things (for example, you do not notice when the glass is a little too inclined ...).
But that's the end for the better, our heroes can not do too irritate the madman with the bat and go home with the teeth still in office!

The second episode of the story is instead the carnival, the people of Cologne celebrate the November 11 ... (classic, no?)! Summoned to the home of Felix in the early morning (ie at 12, that Sunday's early morning), I immediately brings a nice beer, which is always good, quickly followed by a glass of whiskey and cola (which is a little less well) ... result, the 13 we were drunk enough to start a race to launch the cookie from the ledge of the 10th floor (which was included in the general euphoria of a hard plastic plate that has tested her in spite of my frisbista skills), by dressing in a bizarre (you can finally see the true strength of Amin hair) and to worship pagan idols (such as Jim Beam whiskey bottle carried in triumph by Felix).
Obviously we could not help but see the situation deteriorate: there when you look outside to do things that you can be stupid but you can not do anything to prevent it? I suppose he felt well when Philipp, Amin from behind to shake her shoulders, she decided to jump back on the bed ... oh well, so much dell'SGS (the agency that manages the students)!

After all, what can you expect from a person with such a coat?
However, incredibly, anche stavolta ne siamo usciti (circa) incolumi, e abbiamo ammazzato il pomeriggio guardando il tramonto abboffandoci di hamburger: nice!

Per concludere, un paio di istantanee dall'ennesimo party (stavolta a casa di Amin), per presentarvi un altro elemento della combriccola teutonica...che in realtà è meno tedesco di quanto lo sia io! Si tratta di Ali, dal Libano (Eliopolis per la precisione), e la cosa che più apprezzo lui è...il suo narghilè! No, scherzo, però il narghilè è in effetti molto piacevole...anzi, is the best way to smoke I've ever experienced! I have to get one soon ...

And so ends our roundup of photino ... see how life goes gay, though perhaps my liver has other ideas! I hope that in the coming days I'll have time to write something else, because I still have a lot of pictures around the laptop (the laptop is cool to say instead of laptop?). See you soon!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What Does Ftv Mean Pharmaceticals

Ultimately Italians think only of eating ...

Miriam Since I was (rightly) called for to fulfill my duties as expatriate, and tonight I am down in post-exam and do not have the strength to do anything that involves getting up from a chair, I decided it was time to introduce you to some of my friendly neighbors. As the kitchen is the only common area, our main social activity is to organize ethnic lucculliani Banquet. After un'elogiatissima "salmon pasta" Sanna and Corals of the award-winning chefs, and Thai food svedesissimo of Seb (now ex-neighbor ... is in the Scandinavian photo above, which speaks to the Enlightenment, my dirimpettatia Romanian) it was the turn of good vegetarian lasagna Jakob, The Alton beneinformati say that the blond looks like Marks (weird guy ... worked as a clerk in Dublin 2 years after school, then decided to return to Sweden, joined math here in Gothenburg, then saw that it undertook this too recently decided to enroll in distance learning philosophy. Now he's planning to go to India and follow from there. Hmm ... maybe I'm wrong right ...). Gustav before him, recently moved to chemioterapy-style. Knowing that the Department and the Daghio would move here, and well aware of what the Department is fond of spicy food, I thought, what better way to welcome him to arrange a nice dinner if not Pakistan? Said than done. Salient features of Pakistan's food: to be cooked in abnormal amounts and contain as much fat as a stick of butter in each forkful. Try to believe. The cooks at this juncture were Farrukh and Salman, in the foreground in the picture, easily recognizable swarthy. Behind them from left to right Jakob, an Italian immigrant with a very fancy gadget to the right hand, Enlightenment, and the duo piano bar Romagna "Bea and Lolo" been there by chance. Missing: photographer Eric (Swedish lowest I know, very nice ... only has the lack of pasta with ketchup and let me out every time. And every time it's a stab in the heart ...) and Wang, the Chinese that I'm giving lessons of "carbonara cooking". Next time, Swedish dinners: Biff à la Lindström. Will meet köttbullar (http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/K% C3% B6ttbullar ) ? Certo non potrà essere meglio dell'ALCEBURGER che ho mangiato l'altra sera...very good!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Create Your Own Wwe Belt On The Laptop

Valley zum Oktoberfest

Ehi è da un po' che nn nessuno rallegra le pagine del blog... Corio!!! dove sei finito?!?!?!?
bè io vedró di mettere qualche foto carina di "Valencia all'Oktoberfest" ecco come in un campeggio di Munchen abbiam piantato una tendina senza picchetti ma con le forchette rubate in una pizzeria.... scout tremate..... è stato assurdo... ma d'altronde siamo locas no???? eccoci in fila ad aspettare di entrare nella bräuhaus che ci ha simpaticamente lasciate fuori perchè c'era troppa gente che spingeva per entrare..... alle 7 di mattina!!! mah....
e allora che si fa'???? si entra nella HB a bere cerveza!!!! pardon bier! "ein prosit ein prosi der gemutlichkeit!!!!"

e un bel giretto per monaco nn ce lo leva nessuno.... per poi finire a barboneggiare nel parco nn vi sto ad annoiare con gli improperi che ho cacciato contro le ferrovie dello stato.... che han deciso di fare sciopero proprio la domenica che dovevo tornare..... a tomar por el culo!!!

ciao a tutti!!! e invidiatemi per questo meraviglioso spretzl! (chissá se si scrive cosí...)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Reverse Roulette Aynone

So Called Chaos

so well ... since I came home from the beautiful cake I do not have amazing adventures to tell, but ........ I propose a good game .......

Find the differences!


not seem either my room!!
besos a todos.

ps. I would like to make a clarification .. nn my room was so messy, that is, it was a bit 'less is that I just ripped open the closets ...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Make A Pulley Ceiling Clothes Airer


Having lost the game of rugby in Italy to 20 (I was training with i. .. ahem ahem ... champions of europe ultimate frisbee), waiting to watch her on a delayed 5 hours (perfect for the coast Eastern USA! Too bad they are in Sweden) through the streaming service of the British ITV television
(which broadcasts all the matches of World Cup ... but LA7), I told myself: "What better way to occupy time but write a post about Bella Italia? ".
And so I continue with a little photo gallery. Theme of the evening, Stockholm (first city in the country, 700,000-odd inhabitants, blablabla).
Above you can enjoy a view of the old city core Town of Stockholm, and one of its many vicolini full of tourists and souvenir shops, but also very expensive designer items. Nevertheless we still can breathe a bit of history hanging around inside.
Then the places of power: the town hall, parliament, the royal palace. Password: severely. Eccheccazzo, we are Swedish, not the fucking latin dick! But we continue with two interior views of the town hall (the architect was of great travel, and also found a guy who did the mosaics of Ravenna-style, while making a thousand mistakes), Golden Hall and the boardroom (town) ceiling with upturned boat.
strippo Swedish in 1628, a warship of the megalomaniac Gustav Adolf II sank 20 minutes after the launch of a channel in Stockholm, because the quails for designers who had made it too big. Over the years forgets where it was, until it reaches a Frenchman who is drilling the seabed to find: they decided to bring it back up, it can, and do not know what the dip in plastic to keep it.

is now a museum. Whole. A galleon of 70 meters. Take a little bit you (for more information, http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regalskeppet_Vasa).
Then, for those who do not have time di girarsi la Svezia, c'è lo Skansen: un parco con case antiche portate lì da tutto il paese. Potete ammirare una fattoria del nord e un villaggio lappone, con la pratica capanna pensile.

C'è anche tutta una serie di animali nordici, come le pigrissime foche e la sgraziatissima alce.

A Stoccolma ci sono poi un tot di musei, noi abbiamo visto solo quello di arte contemporanea e architettura, perchè non avevamo time: in the picture there are sculptures by Tinguely and Niki de Saint Phalle ... or something like that!

Finally, I show you the place where we spent our evenings: a typical, traditional, purely Scandinavian ... Irish pub! Attracted by sympathetic musicians, we happily Dine out on beer, potatoes and kotbullar (the only real Swedish specialties, of which no doubt or I will speak in the future), filled with nostalgia for the green Ireland, which is not exactly our homeland, but in short, the flag is almost the same, just a little faded ...

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Hacking The Sidekick Gekko

Hej hej! When I was young

With great pleasure I am going to continue the tradition of many years now this blog. As one expatriate now I am, and since I have accumulated an almost infinite amount of photos last month, soon began to bore you with some shots (anticipating that follow different episodes, because I'm struggling not just to decide what show) ... Start with some shots of Göteborg (pronounced Ghiotebori, with the end of the g suit and a nearly one and that I check out of nowhere ... mah!), Starting from architecture:
pompous buildings in center, a typical apartment on the nineteenth century, quiet houses in the suburbs.
Then some examples of beautiful people that can be found here: umarells (obviously always present), who delight in their favorite pastime while the wives are given to the mad joy nell'avenyn (The most pussy, dubbed a somewhat pretentiously "Champs Elysees of Sweden")!

The ubiquitous tram (the Swedes who know how to organize themselves: nearly half the public passes every 10 minutes at any time, and there are stops at every hole), evidence of the environmental consciousness of the city (as shown also by ghost bike in memory of the victims of climate change, that the flood of New Orleans).

Flora and fauna (from the botanical garden, beautiful, and dall'Universeum, where there is an aquarium, a thousand giocozzi Cinni to discover the science, but in reality there are many adults who play in place of the children, and have rebuilt a palace in a rainforest, complete with monkeys, pythons and birds ... we are really And you walk in the middle, with 45 degrees and humidity of the devil!)

To close, a picture-postcard view from the hill of Skansen Kronan, and two nice portraits of the authors of the photos soon ... (with photos of the trip to Stockholm and Bohuslan)!

(Note: The title translates more or less with "Hello, hello," and the Swedes pronounce it with a strange emphasis, as if they were delighted to see you, then fall into apathy that usually characterizes their discorsi: usano un solo tono di voce. La cosa strana è che quando parlano in inglese non parlano così...forse è colpa della lingua!)