Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What Does Ftv Mean Pharmaceticals

Ultimately Italians think only of eating ...

Miriam Since I was (rightly) called for to fulfill my duties as expatriate, and tonight I am down in post-exam and do not have the strength to do anything that involves getting up from a chair, I decided it was time to introduce you to some of my friendly neighbors. As the kitchen is the only common area, our main social activity is to organize ethnic lucculliani Banquet. After un'elogiatissima "salmon pasta" Sanna and Corals of the award-winning chefs, and Thai food svedesissimo of Seb (now ex-neighbor ... is in the Scandinavian photo above, which speaks to the Enlightenment, my dirimpettatia Romanian) it was the turn of good vegetarian lasagna Jakob, The Alton beneinformati say that the blond looks like Marks (weird guy ... worked as a clerk in Dublin 2 years after school, then decided to return to Sweden, joined math here in Gothenburg, then saw that it undertook this too recently decided to enroll in distance learning philosophy. Now he's planning to go to India and follow from there. Hmm ... maybe I'm wrong right ...). Gustav before him, recently moved to chemioterapy-style. Knowing that the Department and the Daghio would move here, and well aware of what the Department is fond of spicy food, I thought, what better way to welcome him to arrange a nice dinner if not Pakistan? Said than done. Salient features of Pakistan's food: to be cooked in abnormal amounts and contain as much fat as a stick of butter in each forkful. Try to believe. The cooks at this juncture were Farrukh and Salman, in the foreground in the picture, easily recognizable swarthy. Behind them from left to right Jakob, an Italian immigrant with a very fancy gadget to the right hand, Enlightenment, and the duo piano bar Romagna "Bea and Lolo" been there by chance. Missing: photographer Eric (Swedish lowest I know, very nice ... only has the lack of pasta with ketchup and let me out every time. And every time it's a stab in the heart ...) and Wang, the Chinese that I'm giving lessons of "carbonara cooking". Next time, Swedish dinners: Biff à la Lindström. Will meet köttbullar (http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/K% C3% B6ttbullar ) ? Certo non potrà essere meglio dell'ALCEBURGER che ho mangiato l'altra sera...very good!


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