Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Make A Pulley Ceiling Clothes Airer


Having lost the game of rugby in Italy to 20 (I was training with i. .. ahem ahem ... champions of europe ultimate frisbee), waiting to watch her on a delayed 5 hours (perfect for the coast Eastern USA! Too bad they are in Sweden) through the streaming service of the British ITV television
(which broadcasts all the matches of World Cup ... but LA7), I told myself: "What better way to occupy time but write a post about Bella Italia? ".
And so I continue with a little photo gallery. Theme of the evening, Stockholm (first city in the country, 700,000-odd inhabitants, blablabla).
Above you can enjoy a view of the old city core Town of Stockholm, and one of its many vicolini full of tourists and souvenir shops, but also very expensive designer items. Nevertheless we still can breathe a bit of history hanging around inside.
Then the places of power: the town hall, parliament, the royal palace. Password: severely. Eccheccazzo, we are Swedish, not the fucking latin dick! But we continue with two interior views of the town hall (the architect was of great travel, and also found a guy who did the mosaics of Ravenna-style, while making a thousand mistakes), Golden Hall and the boardroom (town) ceiling with upturned boat.
strippo Swedish in 1628, a warship of the megalomaniac Gustav Adolf II sank 20 minutes after the launch of a channel in Stockholm, because the quails for designers who had made it too big. Over the years forgets where it was, until it reaches a Frenchman who is drilling the seabed to find: they decided to bring it back up, it can, and do not know what the dip in plastic to keep it.

is now a museum. Whole. A galleon of 70 meters. Take a little bit you (for more information,
Then, for those who do not have time di girarsi la Svezia, c'è lo Skansen: un parco con case antiche portate lì da tutto il paese. Potete ammirare una fattoria del nord e un villaggio lappone, con la pratica capanna pensile.

C'è anche tutta una serie di animali nordici, come le pigrissime foche e la sgraziatissima alce.

A Stoccolma ci sono poi un tot di musei, noi abbiamo visto solo quello di arte contemporanea e architettura, perchè non avevamo time: in the picture there are sculptures by Tinguely and Niki de Saint Phalle ... or something like that!

Finally, I show you the place where we spent our evenings: a typical, traditional, purely Scandinavian ... Irish pub! Attracted by sympathetic musicians, we happily Dine out on beer, potatoes and kotbullar (the only real Swedish specialties, of which no doubt or I will speak in the future), filled with nostalgia for the green Ireland, which is not exactly our homeland, but in short, the flag is almost the same, just a little faded ...


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