Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Bearded Dragon With Sore Eye

The Swedish weekend.

Although this blog seems to have been abandoned by everyone (including myself), continuous to write something, since it is my duty abroad, and finally I managed to get hold of some pictures showing the merry adventures of an Italian in Gothenburg. In a group of only Germanic (though two are in fact a Lebanese and a Tunisian transvestites) in recent weeks I against the beautiful nightlife goteborghese (or goteburghina? Gothenburg? Goteborgotta?), Relegating to the dark afternoons per week university work (which bears more resemblance to high school, judging by the amount of homework they give us. And now my reports, the new episode of Corio Bellavita!

First, the protagonists: Amin (Tunisia-born freiburghese for pleasure) while repressing his afro hair in a baseball cap, Felix (the cat), which after the first 4 beers begins to lose control of facial muscles, and by the look of Philipp Braga, told a friendly double-P (to distinguish it from Philip, single-P).

The evening in question took place between pleasant pub Andra Langgatan (via the whores of Gothenburg, as I say, even though I could see for themselves, as whores on the street do not n ' were, perhaps because if they catch you in Sweden to fornicate arrest you on the spot), where we consciously cute bartenders (the bald picture guide us, not without a bit of complacency as "persuades" the harassing customers to calm down, and how it affects the notches on the stick using the canines taken directly from their mandibles) but mostly drank beer, lots of beer. And you know, when the drunken advances are reckless reacts to external stimuli (see me in photophobia in the photo), or you start to not evaluate properly the things (for example, you do not notice when the glass is a little too inclined ...).
But that's the end for the better, our heroes can not do too irritate the madman with the bat and go home with the teeth still in office!

The second episode of the story is instead the carnival, the people of Cologne celebrate the November 11 ... (classic, no?)! Summoned to the home of Felix in the early morning (ie at 12, that Sunday's early morning), I immediately brings a nice beer, which is always good, quickly followed by a glass of whiskey and cola (which is a little less well) ... result, the 13 we were drunk enough to start a race to launch the cookie from the ledge of the 10th floor (which was included in the general euphoria of a hard plastic plate that has tested her in spite of my frisbista skills), by dressing in a bizarre (you can finally see the true strength of Amin hair) and to worship pagan idols (such as Jim Beam whiskey bottle carried in triumph by Felix).
Obviously we could not help but see the situation deteriorate: there when you look outside to do things that you can be stupid but you can not do anything to prevent it? I suppose he felt well when Philipp, Amin from behind to shake her shoulders, she decided to jump back on the bed ... oh well, so much dell'SGS (the agency that manages the students)!

After all, what can you expect from a person with such a coat?
However, incredibly, anche stavolta ne siamo usciti (circa) incolumi, e abbiamo ammazzato il pomeriggio guardando il tramonto abboffandoci di hamburger: nice!

Per concludere, un paio di istantanee dall'ennesimo party (stavolta a casa di Amin), per presentarvi un altro elemento della combriccola teutonica...che in realtà è meno tedesco di quanto lo sia io! Si tratta di Ali, dal Libano (Eliopolis per la precisione), e la cosa che più apprezzo lui è...il suo narghilè! No, scherzo, però il narghilè è in effetti molto piacevole...anzi, is the best way to smoke I've ever experienced! I have to get one soon ...

And so ends our roundup of photino ... see how life goes gay, though perhaps my liver has other ideas! I hope that in the coming days I'll have time to write something else, because I still have a lot of pictures around the laptop (the laptop is cool to say instead of laptop?). See you soon!


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