Sunday, May 6, 2007

Women Molested On Train



Architecture, Modernity, crisis and information technology

interesting and profound is the concept of crisis, taken from the words of Anthony Wise in his last publication "Introduction to the Computer Revolution, understood as" a tendency to create an aesthetic of rupture and change "through a" tension to modernity "that both will be stronger and more profound aspect of the Net will change and break.

sixties Piero Manzoni has shown us how to transform an object into a work of art should be, after all, only expose in vitro, in the shrine, a museum, even excrement is a 'work of art if an artist is . In the seventies Robert Venturi, considered as a provocative contribution, showed us how to just put a huge sign self to transform an ordinary building into a monumentum , despite derived from its etymology warning. We are in crisis because looking back at Learning from Las Vegas we understand (or pretend not to?) That things have changed, or if they are, only the surface.

Today the will demiurgic rationalist architect replaces powerfully the willingness to communicate a message. Never more than now the architecture has been a mass medium. Now seems perfectly normal and justified to apply a volumetric massing but trivial, modular technology casings, which are themselves vehicle information. As in the seventeenth century the altar smashed l’involucro dell’edificio, dall’interno verso l’esterno, per proiettare il fedele in un mondo metafisico, oggi i cangianti rivestimenti mediatici sfondano l’architettura dall’esterno verso l’interno, trasportando il passante (perché non possiamo più parlare di fruitore) in un mondo nel quale la comunicazione celebra l’apologia di sè stessa. Il fine ultimo dell’architettura si sposta dal trasformare all’informare .

Venturi, è stato acuto, come oggi è acuto Rem Koolhaas, ci hanno mostrato violentemente la verità, criticando gli architetti, coplendoli nei punti dove sono più touchy, bringing to light all their ambitions. They talked about the house of a rope, and now we are in crisis.

But the word crisis comes from the verb krinw by which means to separate, divide but also figuratively decide. The architecture is a matter of choice even before of views. We decide the form, we devote the space.


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