Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Isuzu 1.7 Diesel Pump



2010-2011 programming Cagliari

chakra energies
October 23, 2010 16:00 to 19:30 hours
journey through the chakra energy system (perception, stimulation techniques and rebalancing the body's seven energy centers).

November 13 16:00 to 19:30 hours

Strengthen stability and strengthen the foundations. Meeting with the demon chakra connected to 1: fear. Find out what kind of fear from us, integrate and transform. Energy release and reloading heavy energy. Exploring the identity matrix.

POLARITY OF THE DANCE 'AT 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. November 27
the message water the element of chakra sacral (2nd chakra), shows us the transition from the moment we have consolidated our bases at the beginning of a process fluid creative movement, when we feel safe and ready to "meet" the other . From generation to the survival of life in a dance of continuity, evolution, adaptation and change. Emotions such as restless water games, we burst inside, in the belly, reminding us that we can feel and think with our 2nd brain: the gut. Meet the shadow of this chakra, the guilt, to accept it and let it go. Finally, take that feeling of dynamic balance, abandoning the duality without rigidity, flowing in a state of harmonious balance, existing here and now.

in my power
December 11 16:00 to 19:30 hours

make the change in accordance with the will and found that the personnel strength of the intent is the basic energy that gives us the immeasurable power of our uniqueness. The man who recognized if 'also differentiated from the rest of nature, it remains a separate hostage to fear, forgetting that power is not necessarily abuse.

fee for each session is 30 €

meetings will be held at the Chambers BIOM Alziator V., 23 Cagliari
info e prenotazioni 3939327109 studiobiom@gmail.com


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