Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Isuzu 1.7 Diesel Pump



2010-2011 programming Cagliari

chakra energies
October 23, 2010 16:00 to 19:30 hours
journey through the chakra energy system (perception, stimulation techniques and rebalancing the body's seven energy centers).

November 13 16:00 to 19:30 hours

Strengthen stability and strengthen the foundations. Meeting with the demon chakra connected to 1: fear. Find out what kind of fear from us, integrate and transform. Energy release and reloading heavy energy. Exploring the identity matrix.

POLARITY OF THE DANCE 'AT 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. November 27
the message water the element of chakra sacral (2nd chakra), shows us the transition from the moment we have consolidated our bases at the beginning of a process fluid creative movement, when we feel safe and ready to "meet" the other . From generation to the survival of life in a dance of continuity, evolution, adaptation and change. Emotions such as restless water games, we burst inside, in the belly, reminding us that we can feel and think with our 2nd brain: the gut. Meet the shadow of this chakra, the guilt, to accept it and let it go. Finally, take that feeling of dynamic balance, abandoning the duality without rigidity, flowing in a state of harmonious balance, existing here and now.

in my power
December 11 16:00 to 19:30 hours

make the change in accordance with the will and found that the personnel strength of the intent is the basic energy that gives us the immeasurable power of our uniqueness. The man who recognized if 'also differentiated from the rest of nature, it remains a separate hostage to fear, forgetting that power is not necessarily abuse.

fee for each session is 30 €

meetings will be held at the Chambers BIOM Alziator V., 23 Cagliari
info e prenotazioni 3939327109 studiobiom@gmail.com

Is The Cervix High Or Low When Pregnant

ecological virtuosity only housewives / i? 3 de

Sto sfogliando un libretto dal titolo promettente: Come salvare il mondo in 200 piccole mosse (Robert Hamilton, pp.106, leggere editore, euro 10.00): due consigli ecologici per pagina, ognuno illustrato da una vignetta.
Magro e troppo caro, "l'agile libro" dispensa consigli che vanno dal sacrosanto (Buy detergents on tap you do not waste plastic containers), the obvious (turn off the water while brushing your teeth or while shaving in the shower), the dull-impractical (plant a tree to celebrate the birth of a child , and where? nell'inesistente common garden? in open countryside, on land not yours? in a forest, just on the roots of another tree?), the surreal (check that your dog's flea collar is made of ecological materials) . Some suggestions are repeated, others are difficult to put into practice: optimizing air routes (not wipe up the heavens have already visited the same flight) will also reduce the journey to be made and therefore emissions of carbon dioxide, but how do I recognize "companies that adhere to this philosophy?
The exhortations that really annoy me, however, are those like: "nothing is as good as home made food", then you produce in house ... literally everything: bread, pasta, jams, beer, soap, termicidi natural detergents floor made of white vinegar, baking soda and alcohol also choose consciously, carefully reading all labels on any product purchased at the supermarket, take the foam and the energy-efficient lamps in the relevant collection points, leave the change of tires car tire that the only environmentally and recycle fabled street.
Question: But in a family like mine (two adults working and a daughter who attends the last year of high school), who will assume the task of putting into practice all these wise counsel spending the morning to inspect the products in the supermarket, the lunch break to give the designated waste products polluting the AMIAT not even dream of collecting bins in accessible and dedicated the afternoon to cook delicious food and environmental (of course turning off the oven a bit 'first cooking not to waste energy and by placing these foods in the refrigerator after only that have already cooled to room temperature) and weekends at home to produce detergents, soaps and beers and to clean the carpets with baking soda instead of the hated chemicals?
I do not want to accuse Mr. Hamilton of sexism and hypothesize that it is the usual housewife. Certainly the author has thought of a generic human house, male or female. The problem is that we, your family, the human us know we still have to provide. I want to propose to his spouse and daughter to take, or better yet to marry, a man of proven domestic virtues which entrust the salvation of our animaccia label. I do not know how we can keep it with the loss of purchasing power of wages and my spouse. We hope to be satisfied.
way, to capture this ecoumano need a wedding collective, or just declare a de facto union? And for the household, how are we going?

Excuse the outburst, I too would like to be ecovirtuosa, but not at the price of my work (and my salary)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Arc Saber 10 Version Ch

2010-2011 2010-2011 programming activities

aperte le iscrizioni ai corsi settimanali REV tutti i martedì e giovedì nei seguenti orari:
mattino 10.30-11.30/sera 19.00-20.00
dove: studio Biom V.Alziator, 23 Cagliari
mensile 40€ + 15€ d'iscrizione

* tenete d'occhio le interessanti promozioni sui programmi benessere che includono anche le sessioni REV che lo studio BIOM di Cagliari sta proponendo e che potete visionare sul sito http://biom.jimdo.com.
si può venire a provare il metodo gratuitamente previa prenotazione via e.mail o al 3939327109

presto verrà pubblicato REVLab of the calendar.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lic Bima Gold Surender Value

The illusion is the theme of September

After a well-deserved summer break we're back to resume the threads of our lives and return to everyday life with a touch of fatigue, of course, inherent in the last summer that tail trailing lazily fall meeting . A glimmer of sadness marks this time of year, perfectly in tune to the theme of the month the project "let emotion" that will launch from now. The space is yours.