Miriam is unable to love herself, asked me to work with the body because it has a great need and want to get rid ... dancing together. I'll show the act and starts to change, freeing up the movement, passing from one state to the crystallization of a total dissolution. Miriam needs to let go these chronic feelings of inadequacy and to adhere to life, the everyday. His is an evolutionary movement, comes from the soul that rages against any attempt to reconstruct rationally want a destiny which resists existential unchangeable. Dreams, phobias, of a distant past, his childhood, his present, everything is condensed into a narrator obsessively this time slowly gave way to the magic of dance and it leaves that all-consuming guilt that keeps her away, for the brink of self-knowledge and acceptance of conscious life. Dancing is a form of magic that has always lived with humanity, leading to trance and ecstasy, the experience with the divine, to merge with the propria essenza segreta. Ed ecco che qualcosa affiora dal profondo e si suggella nei versi che ho chiesto a Miriam di trascrivere al termine della sua straordinaria esperienza:
"Avanzo pura nel tempio,
nella nudità del corpo che si immerge nelle acque sacre
fonte di eterna rigenerazione e vita.
Riemergo e sono una dea,
sono amata e adorata,
sono piena d'amore dentro e fuori di me.
La mia veste è bianca e oro,
rifulge di luce intensa e di iridescenti riflessi,
fecendo intravedere a tratti il corpo armonioso
e radiant radiant light and beneficial.
are Virgin and Mother, are
Daughter, Lover and Sister,
are companions and friends,
are servants and Regina,
are everything a woman might want to be
and everything a man should recover. "
May 30, 2010
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