Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Where To Get Brazilin Waxing Done In Delhi

Fire Dance

Fire Dance
SpiritiRev June 21 in the Magic Night Summer Solstice
Fire is the symbol of the sun and June 21, the longest day of ' years, the sun reaches the zenith and stops, as if to linger at its best. The energy of this special time of year is particularly beneficial and renewing. To the ancients, the solstices represent the doors, the summer was known as the port of men.
Con la danza intorno al fuoco si scacciavano in passato, le energie negative che vengono poi attirate nelle fiamme, per far si che emergano trasformate in armonia e benessere. Tra danze sacre e meditazione dinamica rievocheremo l’antico rituale per una nuova apertura alla vita e alle relazioni con gli altri.

Portare con sè degli oggetti fatti a mano da voi o cose che simboleggiano qualcosa che intendete trasformare o liberarvi nella vostra vita (foto, vestiti, occhiali, gioielli, una frase su un foglio e qualsiasi simbolo del passato). Inoltre munirsi di candela.
Abbigliamento comodo ( no jeans)
DOVE: V. Alziator, 23 Cagliari studio BIOM.
QUANDO: 21 Giugno ore 20.30
contributo 5€.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Acute Gastroenteritis Nursing Intervention

someone to listen

Prova a chiederti con chi puoi veramente condividere la tua vulnerabilità?
Con chi, fra tutte le persone che ti circondano, puoi affidare le tue paure e preoccupazioni più profonde?
C’è qualcuno cui poter mostrare i tuoi lati deboli, raccontare i tuoi errori più grossi e le tue speranze più alte?
Chi è questa persona?
Quando è stata l’ultima volta che hai parlato con lei?
Se non riesci a trovare nessuno tra le tue conoscenze, quello è il momento di cercare un counselor ed una relazione d’aiuto.

*Lo studio BIOM a Cagliari (specializzato in counseling, kinesiology and naturopathy integrated) offers a service DOOR COUNSELING FREE Monday through Friday, to frame the nature of discomfort and agree with the way most suited to your balance. For advice call 3939327109

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sore Throat And Red Spots On Roof Mouth

Fragments of the unconscious

Miriam is unable to love herself, asked me to work with the body because it has a great need and want to get rid ... dancing together. I'll show the act and starts to change, freeing up the movement, passing from one state to the crystallization of a total dissolution. Miriam needs to let go these chronic feelings of inadequacy and to adhere to life, the everyday. His is an evolutionary movement, comes from the soul that rages against any attempt to reconstruct rationally want a destiny which resists existential unchangeable. Dreams, phobias, of a distant past, his childhood, his present, everything is condensed into a narrator obsessively this time slowly gave way to the magic of dance and it leaves that all-consuming guilt that keeps her away, for the brink of self-knowledge and acceptance of conscious life. Dancing is a form of magic that has always lived with humanity, leading to trance and ecstasy, the experience with the divine, to merge with the propria essenza segreta. Ed ecco che qualcosa affiora dal profondo e si suggella nei versi che ho chiesto a Miriam di trascrivere al termine della sua straordinaria esperienza:

"Avanzo pura nel tempio,

nella nudità del corpo che si immerge nelle acque sacre

fonte di eterna rigenerazione e vita.

Riemergo e sono una dea,

sono amata e adorata,

sono piena d'amore dentro e fuori di me.

La mia veste è bianca e oro,

rifulge di luce intensa e di iridescenti riflessi,

fecendo intravedere a tratti il corpo armonioso

e radiant radiant light and beneficial.

are Virgin and Mother, are

Daughter, Lover and Sister,

are companions and friends,

are servants and Regina,

are everything a woman might want to be

and everything a man should recover. "

May 30, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Doujin-moe One Piece Member

Mal to live: you can break free from the dark evil!

With integrated kinesiology can know the source of your problem.

DISCOMFORT And somatization
psychosomatic discomfort is considered the evil of modern man, but today we have all the tools to facilitate the resolution of the illness. With the integrated method kinesiological you can intercept the causes of the problem without resorting to antidepressants. But how?
rebalancing complementary techniques (shiatsu energy, nutrition, psychosomatic medicine, naturopathic treatments, meditation techniques and body dynamics) integrated test kinesiological can be traced back to the root cause of emotional suffering that depression and somatization, often represented by experienced old, painful and traumatic, reporting directly to luce.Una when dissolved the shadow, the unconscious no longer need to send out signals, and finally symptoms the person is free and can restore the optimal balance, re-establishing communication with itself.

It 'important to remember that at this stage, even if the subject is guided by the operator, he never loses, at no time, your critical thinking and decision-making.
During a kinesiology session, the operator tends to facilitate that process of self-recognition and processing of negative and limiting beliefs of the person, phobias and fears of deep and make them rediscover the serenity and fullness hitherto precluded.

Communicating with the unconscious is the best way to rediscover 'themselves and to get immediate and lasting results that allow the subject to return to the protagonist of his life, without being at the mercy of depression and somatization. The serenity can be found simply by talking to themselves.

E 'can receive treatment at study Kinesiology Integrated BIOM Cagliari
For information or a free consultation, call 3939327109 or write to