Saturday, May 29, 2010

Mysore Mallige Baga 2 Movie

circolata per email, riscritta da JB

I ranocchi dello stagno s'erano radunati per fare una gara: avrebbe vinto il primo che fosse riuscito a salire in cima all'albero più alto.
Molta gente era accorsa per watch the race and to cheer, though it soon became clear that none of them seriously believe that these frogs could never accomplish such a feat - and all that was heard were things like "See, let alone not do .. they never will. "
Several frogs, discouraged, they began to give up - but one that, despite the undeniable difficulties, continued to strive to reach the top. But people do not even believe in him, and shouted: "So, sooner or later slide down like everyone else! What do you slam?"
But the frog did not give up. And although all the other frogs have now left the company, he continued to insist, more determined than ever to reach its goal.
And we made it!
While other frogs were escorting him away in triumph, one of them came over to ask what was the secret of his success, and found that .. was deaf!
not listen to people with a nasty habit of being negative bias: rob you of the best hopes of your heart!
Always remember the power they have heard or read the words, so make sure you always think positive as possible!
And always be deaf, when someone is telling you that you can not achieve your dreams.


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