Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dinsey Fireworks Cruise


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tattoos In The Female Genital Area

Who plays who?

Ecco due video a confronto.....

Shakinzo e Wyclef Miriam

Shakira feat Wyclef Jean al Rock in Rio Madrid

commenti please.... :-)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Can I Wear A Sweater To A Wedding

The world as seen through the eyes of Volver almond

Scrivo dalla poltrona reclinabile del Gran Internet cafe` Bagus, Shibuya, Tokyo, dove sto passando `a nottata. La stanchezza e il poco tempo mi impediscono di articolare frasi elaborate, quindi lascio parlare le foto (ovviamente un piccolo campione delle millemila che ho scattato...le macchine digitali non favoriscono la parsimonia).

Inizio con qualche shot of what is probably the experience was more beautiful than all the way ... the ascent of Mount Fuji. 19 km walk for 3 km of elevation, from 15.30 to 4.30, stopping to rest for a couples of hours at an altitude of 2300 meters above sea level. Mount Fuji from the motorway and from the start of the path (through the torii, the portal of the sanctuaries, which marks the entrance into the sacred zone of the mountain).

The goraiko (dawn) view from the top of the mountain, 3000 meters and 13 hours later!

The Japanese Alps seen from the Fuji ...

Another experience that has enriched me (more materially and spiritually) has been ... the food! Look, I became master of the `okonomiyaki! The restaurant brings you a bowl with the ingredients, then you had to cook on the plate only on your personal ...

Returning to arguments less land, some images sacred guardian deity of the temples, Jizo (bodisattva protector of travelers and children), the temple of Asakusa Kannon (Tokyo).

The Great Buddha of Nara (the piu` grande statua di bronzo del mondo)!

I cervi sacri (di cui il bosco di Nara pullula), avidi di biscotti-per-cervi!

Non mi rimane molto tempo, quindi chiudo con un paesaggio campestre (risaie...tra le case, visto che i giappi non hanno spazio per fare nulla, e quindi coltivano il riso nel giardino sul retro), e un`immancabile carpa (animale idolatrato dai giapponesi benche` piuttosto squallido, con quella bocca a succhiotto che si ritrova...).

Avrei altre centomila cose da dire e da far vedere, ma dovrete accontentarvi di questo per ora...e forse per sempre, visto la frequenza con cui riesco a scrivere! We'll see ... anyway organize slideshows on request!
Now all that remains is the bittersweet return, suspended between the desire to continue and the desire to return ... but that trip would be no return?
(Okay, So I did not want to be outdone by Miriam with his sentences for effect ... see you soon!)

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Why Does Fortiguard Suck

behind the scenes

Pokemon Forfi Returns

Actors actress

Tool For Carving Canoes

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Closet Pole On An Angled Wall

It is true that feelings of return are difficult to explain . You stay in a parallel world, a place that was yours and that no longer is. So you see places you know, every single corner you think you know, you smell that you had forgotten (also fortunately ...) and breathe in, breathe in what was your world. Everything points out something and there's no way not to think "hey this has happened here, this one here, I ended up here almost under a car, think that a year ago we were here .." and all this in a whirlwind of new emotions, of things to specify, feelings to understand. To me it seems impossible that he has been so long, that seems a moment, and yet an eternity. Trivia? maybe .. but if you ask me how it was back? Rare, strange. That in the end the thing that strikes me most are the pictures with the right light, and how they leave me or I have left something inside .. and I like these images associated with states of mind that will not let me anymore. And that is why I have my posti preferiti, i posti dove mi piace andare per andare :-) giusto per essere accerchiata da queste immagini, magari con la luce del sole delle 7.
In vacanza da una vita, che è la mia.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Reggie Bennett What Happened


eh giá perchè andare a Pordenone il 21 marzo non ti assicura la primavera.. è ancora inverno e a Pordenone d'inverno deve essere difficile starci. ma dentro al deposito dove abbiam preso parte alle riprese del nuovo film di Capitan Findus meglio conosciuto come Salvatores era tutta un'altra musica.. qualcuno che non sente qualcuno che non beve qualcuno che non respira... i tre allegri in playback forzato e noi in un pogo forzato... Mom bruises! that with alcohol, which already begins to take you from 10 in the morning is hard to arrive in the evening, happily that Luke is helping us with the birrini under the table .. wanted to be extreme, but we do not have the opportunity avendoci been waiting too long to change us and put our full punk .. and then we will be extreme in! frico a head and down to tocai! (Now the song on tocai not remember, I hope that someone might add). is because our purpose was not so much appear in the film, or rather, after not being passed to the selection of extras that would actually appeared in the movies, we are in much larger family of disappeared beneath the stage to wait the concert. the fake and the real thing played for us that we were there. and from that moment on, even before dinner and before the evening dedicated to the cast, an evening "as God", our goal was much more primitive ... make up a shelter to protect us from the famous winter perennial Pordenone .. 7 in one spot was not plausible, as we know in war you save first the women and children (and some also said the play) but still gotta come up with something. but we ask sleepy, the keeper of disco, which is the most extreme man I've ever seen, and surely enter into some Guinness record for the lowest percentage of body is not disfigured by skin tattoos and piercings. in fondo aveva appena picchiato due ladri.. non ci avrebbe toccato.. ma come si sa, Pordenone col suo clima antartico non avrebbe potuto che assiderarci anche dentro a quella che era stata set del film, disco e accumulatore di schifo e appiccicume per terra.
ore 3.30 di mattina ecco arriva la buona notizia! Davide ha 4 posti e l'amico di Enrico 3... uomini con Davide e donne con Enrico, come alle elementari. quindi si propone un after a casa di Davide per continuare in bellezza la serata a suon di vodka (artic con pelo), amaretto di saronno e arancia..
come ci si poteva aspettare ci si perde... vado a prenderli io, ho un solo fanale... sono ubriachissimo cavoli vostri.. dunque c'è un posto qui, uno nel letto di lá e due sul tappeto che ho pulito this morning .. women are sleeping bag .. you can not believe that a cock of a German put in youtube videos of my family, that's what my dad is my dad that's what my dad is my dad .. this (if it was Emilia Romagna would have thought ..) My mom was pretty young ... and then intravenously cartoon cinema projector in private .. with us at 5 am drunk as a jury .. clouds and dog style little prince.
a very surreal evening. a heartfelt thanks to Dr. Zoidberg who has given us and will give us pearls of wisdom incredible

I embrace you
ps. oh sure you just drawings ...

Monday, March 10, 2008

Fletching Jighomemade

Baila el chikichicki

Sorry but you have to vedere questa cosa, dopo mesi di silenzio.....
è assolutamente demenziale ma quest'uomo potrebbe ridare vita al blog.. o a distruggerlo definitivamente.... cmq almeno vi farete 2 risate!
e allora....

vai con el brichindans ahahahah meraviglioso... y la mulata con la bragas en la mano...

il prossimo post sarà piú impegnato, anche perchè la demenza di questo non credo sia raggiungibile...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Cost Of Lan Wire India

Un po' di storia

In October 1991 I was called by a friend to join a music project on the nativity. It was four concerts that we should have done by Christmas. The following year, had seen the good success, we repeated the show by four other dates. In September 1993, the same friend asked me to make a show of storytelling for children. She was born the Cultural Association " Drum Sun."

We started music in the fairy tale, "Princess Pearl" by Carmen Valentinotti, and the group's name derives from the title (translated into Italian) of one of the songs that we had inserted in the tale: "Die Sonnentrommel .

Until 1997, music is a different story a year bringing the show in several schools and theaters in the Trentino and Veneto. Training, apart from the historical center, changed frequently, especially the violinists.

In 1998 we decided to abandon the business of storytelling and to dedicate ourselves to that concert.

The music that we made as a storyteller everybody liked the band and it was decided to continue offering some concerts and a renaissance of Jewish music and Eastern Europe. For some time we also worked with the dancers with whom we made the performances of Renaissance music in various castles of Trentino and Alto Adige.

Meanwhile, the original formation of TdS I was left alone.

Towards the end of 2000 reached the current line, we decided, for reasons of time, to devote himself exclusively to Jewish music and Eastern Europe.

released in 2007 for personal reasons Marcello and training becomes a quintet.

Grace and I, however, having invested a lot of money in Renaissance instruments we decided to go with the genre continuing to try and find new musicians, founded in 2001, again to ' Internal association group " Ayres " which also made numerous musicians who for various reasons had left earlier by TDS.

Ayres is an English word that means a quick lyrical composition for solo voice with lute accompaniment. The Ayres continued between high and low (lower) until 2003 when they change their name and music genre.

born the Aires.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Save The Date Cute Sayings


The " Aires" was born in October 2003 in the Cultural Association "The Tamburo del Sole” per l’esigenza di alcuni componenti, di dedicarsi oltre alla musica popolare dell’est Europa ed ebraica, anche alla musica popolare di altri paesi, tra cui musica popolare italiana, francese, irlandese e del nord - sud America.

Nel corso degli anni, anche in Aires, si sono avvicendati diversi musicisti, alcuni dei quali avevano fatto parte in passato del TdS.

Attualmente i componenti sono i seguenti.

Ivano Chistè : Flauti, mandolino, accordion, guitar, harmonica, vocals.

Fiorenzo Fedel : guitar, acoustic bass, vocals.

Stefania Filippi : violin, voice.

Maria Grazia Gadotti : percussion, chorus, narrator.

large part of European popular music draws liberally in the reservoir of medieval and renaissance music. In ancient times, the gap oggi esistente tra musica sacra e musica profana oppure tra musica colta e musica popolare non era netto come ai tempi nostri. Ancora ai tempi della riforma (1519) era abitudine adattare a testi sacri musiche profane e viceversa e questa pratica, veniva chiamata “ parodia “ o “ contrafactum ”.

Il gruppo cerca di intraprendere un viaggio che dalle profonde radici musicali dell’Europa medievale, conduce l’ascoltatore attraverso le musiche popolari di alcuni stati europei, per arrivare quindi nel nuovo mondo dove per altro, si possono trovare nelle melodie autoctone, per effetto di massicce ondate di emigranti, echi di melodie europee.

Le musiche che eseguiamo, non seguono un percorso rigoroso dal punto di vista storico e filologico, ma sono filtrate attraverso la nostra sensibilità ed il nostro modo sentire la musica stessa.

Parallelamente all’attività concertistica proponiamo lo spettacolo, “ Appunti disordinati di viaggio ” nel quale alterniamo musica e poesia.

Gli Aires si sono performed in different squares and theaters in Trentino (Trento Mountain Film Festival, Palace Hotel Roncegno, etc.). The band members come from diverse musical backgrounds (classical and folk).

Magic Celtic

parallel to the repertoire of music from the world, let alone occasional concert music of the Anglo-Scots-Irish .

Thanks to the friends of the Association of Zivireel Zivignago, this year we Magic played at Celtic.

It was a great thrill to play on stage at Celtic Magic for the large audience and for the pleasure to share it with internationally renowned musicians.

Aires Iron Strings

In the early '900, were in our province (Trentino) numerous orchestras plectrum. They were made up of mandolin, mandola, mandocello, guitar and bass. Of course, there were groups very refined, but were called derogatory manner "orchestras Fil de Fer" (wire).

The name of our group is inspired by this tradition, but of course that of the Old Time music and bluegrass array of North American where they have the "String Band" are groups that consist only of instruments strings, guitar, mandolin, banjo, fiddle, dobro and bass.

Aires Iron Strings The project was born in August 2008 in the Cultural Panic of the Sun, where there are musicians who are dedicated to other genres. For this reason, over the years, even to meet, as required by statute, they set out various projects.

The group seeks to take a musical journey from the roots of the Anglo-Scots-Irish, leads the listener into the new world to another, can be found in the native songs, the effect massive waves of immigrants, echoes of European melodies.

The music we perform, be they Irish, old time or bluegrass, do not follow a rigorous point of view of history and philology, but are filtered through our feelings and the way we listen to the music itself.

In our journey through American music, he could certainly miss the prince of the genre overseas, and between a song and an old time bluegrass also play some blues.

From October 2009 he entered the training Danilo

The band members come from experiences related to folk music

Ivano Chistè : Guitar, mandolin, harmonica, vocals

Bruno Decarli : Banjo, dobro, backing vocals.

Danilo De Pasqual : electric bass, guitar, backing vocals.

Fiorenzo Fedel : guitar, acoustic bass, vocals.


The project Ayres was born in 2001 in the Cultural Panic of the Sun, where there are musicians who are dedicated to different genres of music. Over the years, this project has had ups and downs and has regularly been left by the wayside. For some time we came back the old music and we want to propose it again.

Ayres is an English word that means a quick lyrical composition for solo voice with lute accompaniment. The music we perform, Renaissance and Baroque, do not follow a rigorous point of view of history and philology, but are filtered through our sensitivity and the way we listen to the music itself.

Ivano Chistè : alto flute, guitar, distorted.

Stefania Filippi : violin, voice.

Maria Grazia Gadotti : Percussion.