Friday, April 23, 2010

Inguinal Hernias In Women


Ciclo Itinerari Evolutivi Nuovo REVLab

Dall’Uno al Due…pronti a fluire?

Il messaggio dell’acqua, l’elemento del chakra sacrale (2°chakra), ci indica il passaggio dal momento in cui abbiamo consolidato le nostre basi, all’inizio di un processo fluido di movimento creativo, quando ci sentiamo sicuri e pronti per “incontrare” l’altro. Dalla sopravvivenza alla generazione della vita, in una danza di continuità, evoluzione, adattamento, cambiamento. Le emozioni, come irrequieti giochi d’acqua, ci esplodono dentro, nella pancia, ricordandoci che possiamo sentire e pensare con il nostro 2° cervello : l’intestino. Incontrare l’ombra di questo chakra, il senso di colpa, per accettarlo e lasciarlo andare. Infine cogliere quella sensazione di equilibrio dinamico, abbandonandosi alla dualità senza rigidità, fluendo in uno stato di armonico bilanciamento, esistendo qui e ora.

Quando? 22 Maggio dalle 16.00 alle 19.00 sempre in v. Alziator, 23 Cagliari, studio Biom

Can I Use Baby Powder Before Waxing

REVLab May 2010

Finally, even if with some delay with respect to previously announced, dear friends, here is the new REV program on workshops for the month of May:

cycle routes Evolutionary
L ABOR REV Awakening Life Force

chakra energies

May 8, 2010 16:00 to 20:00 hours

journey through the chakra energy system (perception, stimulation techniques and rebalancing the body's seven energy centers).

May 9, 2010 10.00-13.00

1st Muladhara chakra
Strengthen stability and strengthen the foundations. Meeting with the demon associated with this chakra, the fear. Find out what kind of fear from us, integrate and transform. Energy release and reloading heavy energy. Exploring the identity matrix.

May 22, 2010 16.00-19.00

the message water, the element of chakra sacral (2nd chakra), shows us the transition from the moment we have consolidated our bases, beginning of a process fluid creative movement, when we feel safe and ready to "meet" the other.

Trainer course with me, Monica Melis Counselor ® ABC-mediated body
At Studio Via Alziator Biome, 23 Cagliari
Info and registration 3939327109 or send an email.

€ 25 contribution for each laboratory

Friday, April 16, 2010

What Illnesses Can You Get In A Jacuzzi

Chakra Mudra Energy for April 2010 April 2010

Thursday 22 and Tuesday 27
19.00-20.00 € 5 Contribution

sequence mudra energy to promote healing of the chakras.
Hands are antennas, radar able to tune the frequencies of the universe. The word mudra means seal or "seal" are the archetypal gestures of the hands and body that unites the spiritual component to our physical bodies, our individual reality in the cosmos. They are the keys to open the portals of slim size, evoking the inner states where you can self-healing of body and soul. Their use dates back to the ancient Egyptian priests, are an integral part of yoga, the Buddhists to connect to the divine, the religious practices of Jews and Christianity, when we join our hands in prayer, that is a mudra.

book at 3939327109 or send an email. Thanks

Clip Art For Incontinence


Tuesday 20 and Thursday 29
19.00-20.00 € 5 Contribution

Deepening energy techniques for the root chakra.
"Reaping the Earth element and understand messages through dance and creative movement to try to transform the limits of a 1st chakra at any imbalance. Followed by a guided meditation on the emotions of the Earth for anchoring roots. "

adhere to 3939327109 or send an email thank you.

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After March 27 (post REVLab Breath in Root)
also this wonderful experience was accomplished and I thank all those who were there, with their unique and special place, with the simple desire to be there and especially to get involved, to share moments so varied in quality and intensity, moments of real life and for this unique, because each time is always different and allows us to find something new but also something else to lose, trying to leave go. We have experimented with ways of lightening some atavistic fears that block us, we felt the potential that is inherent in us and the possibilities to express it. Above all, we were joined by ancestral breath of the Earth, with her dancing in a circle of body and soul that has become a 'collective unity that drew nourishment from the Cosmos to increase our basis of power. And this is what they did in their tribal rituals, dancing around a fire, even our fathers of old Sardinian " light went on Earth" as in the book tells us the great Sergio Atzeni. A ritual that evokes our connection with Earth, solid and practical support of what he lives, renewing the roots and origins of those who dance with her, awakening the power of the past, the traces left by past lives and ancestral memory. Thank you all for being there states and for making it possible again.