Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tattoos In The Female Genital Area

Who plays who?

Ecco due video a confronto.....

Shakinzo e Wyclef Miriam

Shakira feat Wyclef Jean al Rock in Rio Madrid

commenti please.... :-)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Can I Wear A Sweater To A Wedding

The world as seen through the eyes of Volver almond

Scrivo dalla poltrona reclinabile del Gran Internet cafe` Bagus, Shibuya, Tokyo, dove sto passando `a nottata. La stanchezza e il poco tempo mi impediscono di articolare frasi elaborate, quindi lascio parlare le foto (ovviamente un piccolo campione delle millemila che ho scattato...le macchine digitali non favoriscono la parsimonia).

Inizio con qualche shot of what is probably the experience was more beautiful than all the way ... the ascent of Mount Fuji. 19 km walk for 3 km of elevation, from 15.30 to 4.30, stopping to rest for a couples of hours at an altitude of 2300 meters above sea level. Mount Fuji from the motorway and from the start of the path (through the torii, the portal of the sanctuaries, which marks the entrance into the sacred zone of the mountain).

The goraiko (dawn) view from the top of the mountain, 3000 meters and 13 hours later!

The Japanese Alps seen from the Fuji ...

Another experience that has enriched me (more materially and spiritually) has been ... the food! Look, I became master of the `okonomiyaki! The restaurant brings you a bowl with the ingredients, then you had to cook on the plate only on your personal ...

Returning to arguments less land, some images sacred guardian deity of the temples, Jizo (bodisattva protector of travelers and children), the temple of Asakusa Kannon (Tokyo).

The Great Buddha of Nara (the piu` grande statua di bronzo del mondo)!

I cervi sacri (di cui il bosco di Nara pullula), avidi di biscotti-per-cervi!

Non mi rimane molto tempo, quindi chiudo con un paesaggio campestre (risaie...tra le case, visto che i giappi non hanno spazio per fare nulla, e quindi coltivano il riso nel giardino sul retro), e un`immancabile carpa (animale idolatrato dai giapponesi benche` piuttosto squallido, con quella bocca a succhiotto che si ritrova...).

Avrei altre centomila cose da dire e da far vedere, ma dovrete accontentarvi di questo per ora...e forse per sempre, visto la frequenza con cui riesco a scrivere! We'll see ... anyway organize slideshows on request!
Now all that remains is the bittersweet return, suspended between the desire to continue and the desire to return ... but that trip would be no return?
(Okay, So I did not want to be outdone by Miriam with his sentences for effect ... see you soon!)