Thursday, July 12, 2007

Blood Tests Fasting Tea

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

English Translation To Hawaiian

Barcelona # 2

Dopo le peripezie della señorita Escalante e Carmen SanDiego ecco qualcos'altro di Barcelona, forse un po' piú normale.... insomma!! eccoci sotto la Sagrada Familia , davanti al portale "¿Qué es la verdad?" ve lo ricordate amici-compagni di scuola?!?!? Sulla Rambla e al mercato, dove c'erano un miliardo di caramelle e cose colorose... hihihi
And then to see el de pavellón Mies Van de Rohe thought that Meg was the name of a famous transvestite ... the photo of Miss Van De Rohe, and how attitudes in her home with the Barcelona chairs where you can sit ...

and finally here it is the Supostone we saw under construction back in 2003 and is now finished and I possess, I hold in my hands:-P
Y Además We also visited the playa, in Sitges and now some gem:
- for aficionados of Barcelona in Spain and here are the famous tuberosity ... shooting water all night ... hihihihi
- the home of Hansel and Gretel by Gaudí that seems made of Smarties I am devouring voraciously,
- the meeting with Bush impersonator macrocephalic (actually it's a Catalan actor ..)
- a hand that comes out of a door!

And finally, here I am close to Meg and Adriana Vespa stripped of the world!

hasta Lueg!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The Best Church Anniversary Idea

Locos en Alicante

madness is more deficient total of 9 en route to Alicante.
we rented the car and we left at 6 and a half Saturday night, with sandwiches for dinner and a few hundred liters of things to drink .. (Note the photo sangria on the roof of the car

destination Alicante, famous for its night fiesta! And then we are in the beach bums in eat and wait salir de fiesta! ! the moon on the sea, and all super nice, we have arranged (just-style poverty, like changing the side of a road ... its or in front of the disc) and we went in the center of Alicante! troooppo beautiful ! there are thousands of local strabellissimi, all tiny and crowded with people, with people outside that gives you bigliettti chupitos for free, so why not take advantage? :-)
this is the logo of a local super cool that you JOPLIN calls and is one of the many narrow streets of Alicante (where you also can see "an incredible and unique smell of piss around for a thousand words then "...) and a room with music by Coti in the background shouting "nada de esto fue ... uhuhuh an error .." then once everything was closed as we were all a little 'sickly because of San Juan, we decided to retire to bed ... obvious in our cars! But first, to avoid the risk of being take away the car we changed and we saw the beach almanecer (dawn). here and read all the madness! DORMA NO! and as you can if there are people who started dancing at 7 am in the middle of the road?? (The video will be available on youtube) and so on with the new machine to another beach, in Benidorm (ahhahahah irony of fate, to see how you call this lovely town ...) that is called "the English miami" for its skyscrapers ... :-)
and that is where our heroes collapse and put to sleep a few hours on the beach. but the awakening will be terrible ... one of the group stole the bag ... was a tall blonde skinny girl with a black bag named Mercedez ... How do we know? because a friend of his had seen it in the rucksack of poor rumigare ma non ha detto niente.. iniziano gli insulti da parte del miserabile e la locura continua... insomma io sono arrivata a casa alle 9 di sera senza aver dormito un cazzo.... perfetto! peró direi che è stato un weekend stupendo, decisamente!!! la follia allo stato puro!!!
Locos en Alicante!!!
a presto altre foto e follie...