Thursday, March 22, 2007

How Much Is A Iron Lamb Mold Worth

P.A.A. - Lezione 2 - 21.03.07 - Commento

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analyzing the definition of information can be seen immediately to address a very complex concept and differential

Alvin Toffler, American futurist, interested for years the impact that the media have on social structure and cultural global in the book "The Third Wave" draws the story chanting in three "waves" was setting, duration of several hundred years, the industrial era and power, which lasted approximately one hundred and fifty years, and age of electronics, in which information and its treatment plays a fundamental role, linked to the concept of parallel development of media, which are hypothesized: old, mass and new media.

Over the past two centuries, two events have profoundly marked the history of human the early nineteenth century we see no coincidence that the name Revolution, industrial development, following the discovery of energy alternatives to human strength, will develop radically changing the company's structure, culture, and urban life in general man. The progress of the industry becomes the focus of a vortex which fills all fields and exponentially increases its way to new achievements and a new concept of productivity increasingly targeted to the series and the standard. This phenomenon comes to the present day with an impetus which by its nature can only continue to grow even reshaped by policies of the marketing of products since 1950 are beginning to frame the strategic objective of how to make known the object of more how to produce it. Revolution computer with the capacity, quality and speed of data exchange are the protagonists global development of the late twentieth century, opening the door to the second millennium in which Internet and the global network are every day breaking down the barriers of distance, time and space.

Following the mapping of the development of Internet connections worldwide from 1991 to 2005.